Window Washing Davits

Window washing davit systems are crane-like systems that suspend powered platforms, single cages, or bosun's chairs so that window washers or other façade maintenance personnel can access the exterior of a mid or high-rise building.
In most cases, a davit system is used to rig a Powered Platform; however, it can also be used with other suspension equipment, such as a single cage or a bosun's chair.
A davit system consists of two primary components: a base and an arm. The base is a permanent fixture to the building structure, and the arm is typically portable and can be raised, lowered, and removed. The base and arm can be customized to meet a building's fall protection needs.
Davit Base
The base of a davit system is customized to meet the specific structure of the building. Whether it's concrete or steel, we have a davit base to suit your project's needs.
For a concrete roof, the davit base can be cast in place by the forming contractor and visually inspected and load tested by Pro-Bel-certified technicians. A steel roof requires any davit base to be welded onto a minimum 10" x 10" surface and typically requires additional reinforcing (e.g., back span beams) designed by the structural engineer of record.
Wood structures are typically not suited for davit bases due to the high moment created by the davit arm assembly that is applied back to the structure. Although not impossible, avoiding davit based on wood structures is recommended. Thus, a tieback roof anchor system is the preferred implementation solution. If your building project consists of a wood structure, contacting Pro-Bel early in the design process is best to help coordinate a system that suits your building's needs.
Here are some of the davit bases Pro-Bel supplies.
Davit Arm
Davit arms are made of a combination of structural aluminum and steel. They're crane-like, consisting of a vertical mast and a horizontal boom. The arms are portable so that they can be moved between davit bases. They typically come in pairs. Pro-Bel davit arms are window washing equipment that suspends workers working on the building's façade on an accompanying platform for window washing and light-duty building maintenance.
Here are some of the Davit arms Pro-Bel supplies:
Types of Davits
There are different types of davits and rigging methods to suit different building needs.
Portable Davits:
Dedicated to a specific building and capable of being moved manually around different work locations around the dedicated area.
Fixed Davits:
Designed to remain at a fixed location. Normally used for difficult-to-access areas where extra-long reach is required.
Rolling Davits:
Designed to traverse on roof or wall-mounted track using manually operated or electrically powered rolling carriage. Can be ground-rigged or roof-rigged.
Ground Rigged Davits:
A low davit designed to just clear the parapet. Preferred method of rigging with window cleaners. If using a platform, it can only be rigged on the ground i.e. cannot be rigged on the roof and then swung over the parapet.
Roof Rigged Davits:
A davit used to raise the suspended working platform above the building face being serviced. The platform can also be rigged on the roof and then swung over the parapet or rigged on the ground if desired. Normally the davit arms are 7'-0" (2134 mm) higher than the parapet wall to allow for roof rigging and equipped with transport wheels and winches for ease of use.