Permanent Access Platforms

A permanent access platform, also known as a powered platform, refers to the equipment that building maintenance workers use to scale down the side of buildings and perform facade maintenance
Individual building design, size factors, and unique architectural characteristics can often create the necessity for custom-made window cleaning solutions. In such cases, Pro-Bel recommends the installation of a permanent access platform, outfitted with special features (including articulation and telescoping) that are expressly designed to help workers in reaching areas of the building that would be otherwise inaccessible.
Normally a modular-type platform, Pro-Bel permanent access platforms are manufactured of aluminum and steel and are available in connectable sections designed to suit building platform "drops." Steel cable primary suspension lines are attached to primary suspension supports on the roof. A separate fall arrest system is required for each worker, consisting of a lifeline tied off to its independent rooftop safety anchor (T-type platforms) or the worker's lanyard may be secured to a horizontal lifeline system anchored to the platform.
Platforms are hoisted by a davit system that’s set up with a custom base to meet the structural needs and either portable or fixed arms.
Types of Permanent Access Platforms
T-Type platforms:
These platforms are suspended by at least two wire ropes. Failure of one wire rope would not permit the platform to fall to the ground but would upset its normal position.
F-Type platforms:
These platforms are suspended by at least four wire ropes and are designed so that failure of any one wire rope will not substantially alter the normal position of the platform.